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By:  Alhaji Umaru Gbow


The Attention of the University has been drawn to a press release from the Anti-Corruption Commission dated 29th April 2021 disclosing that its Scorpion Squad had in a sting operation in Bo arrested four (4) individuals with monies and other documents belonging to students of Njala University.

The release went further to note that these individuals were allegedly involved in collecting monies from students of Njala University and other persons on the pretext that they would get them admitted into Njala University, or assist promote already admitted students to the next year of their course.

While we are encouraged by the progress made so far to arrest certain individuals who are currently helping the ACC with the investigations, we are also concerned about the grave allegations from the ACC who had alleged in their release that these unscrupulous individuals were collecting monies for lecturers to be paid to give underserved grades to students.

The Administration is calling on the ACC to get to the bottom of these allegations and make their findings public with a view of saving the image of the University.

The Public is however informed that senior members of the Administration have been working behind the scenes with the ACC prior to their release, providing valuable information that would help unearth this alleged conspiracy.

The Administration would want to make it very clear that it has very clear and transparent Admission processes into the University and members of the public are encouraged to follow such processes rather than allowing themselves to be duped by rogue individuals.

Njala University has continued to attract huge numbers into both its Undergraduate and Postgraduate programs and the building blocks for such has been the credibility attached to its admission and other academic processes.

The End…


Ralph S. Sesay

Public Relations Officer, NU

For more enquiries, contact the Public Relations Office, Njala University on +23276336213/+23276245292/Email:[email protected] /[email protected]