Njala University’s One Health Serology and Molecular Laboratory Play host to MMCET Staff Members.
Njala University One Health Serology and Molecular Laboratory Under the leadership of Dr. Roland Suluku has on Monday, 19th October 2020 hosted their counterparts from the Milton Margai College of Education and Technology on one week-long practical training on bacteriology funded by the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA).
Dr. Suluku while giving a background to the one-week practical training indicated that the International Atomic Energy Agency had for the last one week trained the staff of both institutions (Njala and MMCET) theoretically on bacteriology training.

He further recounted that the one-week practical training at the One Health Serology and Bio-molecular Laboratory at Njala University would study various micro-bacteria across Sierra Leone; undertake an antimicrobial résistance, use, and consumption in animals in Sierra Leone; provide training for various lab technicians to work in various labs in the country and also lastly educate the Sierra Leonean public on Anti-biotic use.
The Dean of the School of Agriculture and Food Science, Professor Mohamed Alieu Bah on behalf of the Njala Campus Administration welcomed the participants and assured them of the support of his School which according to him will have an immense benefit from the outcomes of the training.
DVC Njala campus, Professor Koroma encouraged the participants to plan properly to use the knowledge gained in the training to publish.

He urged the participants to stay focus and properly networked with their counterparts at Njala University and extolled the leadership of Dr. Roland Suluku in moving the One Health Serology and Molecular Laboratory to higher heights especially with the establishment of a Microbiology Laboratory to the One Health Serology Laboratory.
For more enquiries contact the Public Relations Office, Njala University/+23276336213/+23276245292/Email:[email protected] /[email protected]
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