Alie Kamara is a senior lecturer of Soil Science. He joined the Department of Soil Science in 2003 and has been teaching several courses in Soil Science mainly, Soil Chemistry, Soil Fertility Management, and Soil and Plant Analysis and Instrumentation. He has worked on several Edulink and other international projects within the University e.g. Organic Agriculture in West Africa, Biochar use in Agriculture (BeBi project), Integrated Soil fertility Management for Food Security (Capacity4Food Project) etc. His research interests include soil erosion and nutrient leaching, biochar for improving soil and crop productivity, soil acidity management, and integrated soil fertility management and conservation. Currently, he is a PhD staff candidate working on modelling soil erosion and nutrient leaching in the Njala area.

Mr. Alie Kamara has expertise in GIS and its application to Soil Science, especially in soil survey and mapping, digital soil maping, soil erosion studies and spatial variability of soil properties. With his background in chemistry, he has laboratory analytical skills and experience in laboratory management and has been working on establishing the Njala University Quality Control Laboratory (NUQCL). He is a co-founder and the current secretary general of the Njala University Society for Academic Advancement (NUSAA). Also, he is a Borlaug Fellow (2015-2016).
Some of his publications are listed below:
Peer Reviewed Journals:
- Kangoma, E., Blango, M.M., Rashid-Noah, A., Sherman-Kamara, A., Moiwo, J.P. and Kamara, A. (2017). Potential of biochar-amended soil to enhance crop productivity under deficit irrigation. Irrig. and Drain. DOI: 10.1002/ird.2138
- Kamara, A., Vonu, O.S., Lansana, J. and Sesay, F.S. (2016). Extent of Reduction of the Fallow Period and Its Impact on Upland Rice Production in the Nongowa Chiefdom of Kenema District in Eastern Sierra Leone. Agricultural Sciences, 7, 805-812.
- Kamara, A., Kamara, H.S. and Kamara, M.S. (2015). Effect of Rice Straw Biochar on Soil Quality and the Early Growth and Biomass Yield of Two Rice Varieties. Agricultural Sciences, 6, 798-806.
- Kamara, Alie, Rhodes, Edward R. and Sawyerr, Patrick A. (2007) 'Dry Combustion Carbon, Walkley-Black Carbon, and Loss on Ignition for Aggregate Size Fractions on a Toposequence', Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis, 38:15, 2005 – 2012
- Kamara, Alie, Rhodes, Edward R. and Sawyerr, Patrick A. (2007) 'Organic Carbon Dynamics along a Toposequence in a Peri-urban Site', Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis, 38:17, 2371 – 2379.