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Rev. Michael Tejan Gbenday

Rev. Michael Tejan Gbenday is a Lecturer in the Department of Economics attached to the Banking and Finance programme in the School of the Social Sciences, Njala University, Bo Campus. He holds a Certificate in Pastoral Studies (CPSE) from the Sierra Leone Theological College and Church Training Centre; a Higher Teachers Certificate (HTC Secondary), from the Bo Teachers College; Rev. Gbenday also holds a Bachelor with Honours degree in Banking and Finance, from Njala University, a Postgraduate Diploma in Procurement from the University of Sierra Leone, a Certificate of Proficiency in Public Procurement Management from the University of Sierra Leone and an M.Sc in Development Studies from the Njala University.  He is presently reading for a Masters degree in Business Administration with a specialty in Finance at the Njala University.

Rev. Michael Tejan Gbenday lectures courses in the Banking and Finance, Economics, Accounting and Business Administration programmes.

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His research interests are Microfinance, Financial Intermediation and Development Finance.
