a) Gegbe. B., K.Elogima .Evaluation of Under-Five Malaria Treatment in Sierra Leone: A Case Study Kenema District Hospital (International Journal for Engineering Research and General Science Vol. 2 Issue 4, 2014. )
b) Gegbe, B. and Koroma .J.M. Students and Teachers’ Perception of the Causes of Poor Academic Perfomance in General and Further Mathematics in Sierra Leone: A Case Study of Bo District Southern Province (International Journal for engineering Research and General ScienceVol. 2 Issue 5, ,2014 )
c) Conteh.A.H, FofanaI,Gborie. A.,Gegbe .B.,Tamba. I.An Estimation of Rice Output Supply Response in Sierra Leone: A Nerlovian Model Approach. International Journal of Biological, Veterinary, Agricultural and Food Engineering (Vol. 8: No:032014)
d)Gegbe, B. and Gbenjeh. M .M ..Impact Of Information Technology On Higher Institution Of Learning: A Case Study Njala University (International Journal for engineering Research and General ScienceVol. 2 Issue 5, 2014 ).
e) Gegbe.B, Sheriff.K.,Sundai.A.Factors Contributing To Students’ Poor Performance In Mathematics At West African Senior School Certificate Examination A Case Study: Kenema City, Eastern Province Sierra Leone(International Journal for engineering Research and General ScienceVol. 3 Issue 2, 2015 )
f) Gegbe B., Mufor. P ,Kemoh.S. V.Motivational Reasons of Consumers Behind Green Tea (Ataya) Consumption in Sierra Leone (International Journal of Sciences: Basic and Applied Research Vol. 22 No.1, 2005)
g) Published Abstracts, Njala University Society for Academic Advancement Annual Conference January, 2014 Book of Abstracts.
THESIS: Gegbe B., October 2003, Comparative Analysis of Casualties involved in Reported Road Accidents within the Period: 1997-2002 (Unpublished).
- Gegbe B., 2000 Evaluation of Mathematics Syllabus (Selected Topics) in Senior Secondary Schools (Unpublished)
- Establishment of Mathematics and computational Laboratory, Department of mathematics and Statistics, Njala University.
- Campaign Drive for mathematics at junior and senior secondary school Njala University
- Membership of Professional Bodies and Societies
- Scholar/ Fellow- Brown International Advanced Research Institutes (BIARI) Brown University
- Member- Njala University Society for Academic Advancement(NUSAA)
- Member, Concession Committee, Njala University (2005)
- Assistant Marshal, Njala University Congregation Njala Campus(2013-2014)
- Public Relations Officer, Academic Staff Association, Njala Campus, Njala University (2005-2013)
- Member, Committee for the Review of Conditions of Service, Academic Staff Association Njala University (2013)
- Member, Committee for the Revival of Academic Staff Common Room, Njala University (2014).
- Member, Campus Working Committee, Njala University, Njala Campus (2013-present)
- Enumerator, Survey on the Status of Service Delivery in UNICEF (2003)
- Supervisor, Sierra Leone General Population HIV/AIDS Behavioral Surveillance Survey (BSS).(2005)
- Supervisor, European Union/ Government of Sierra Leone Population and Housing Survey .(2004)
- Participant, Njala University Society for Academic Advancement First and Second Annual Training Workshops (2014, Feb, 2015).
- Participant, Brown International Advanced Research Institutes (BIARI) Conference and Research Presentation (June, 2015).
- Consultant, Rapid Market Appraisal Sierra Leone Agricultural Research Institute, (2015).
- Examiner, Northern polytechnic, Makenie (2016).
- External, Miltom Margai College of education and Technology, Freetown (2016)
- Deputy Social Secretary, Acdemic Staff Association, Njala university 2016-present)
- Member, Athletics Sport Committee, Njala University (2016)
- External Examiner, Eastern Polytechnic, Kenema (2013-2015)
- Participant Accelerated Curriculum, Training of Trainers Conference (August, 2015).
- Accelerated Learning trainer, (Education Consortium unit) International Rescue Committee: 10th August to the 21th August 2015.
- Facilitator, Training Programme’ in “Research for Development ‘for Personnel of the Sierra Leone Police: August 2015.
- Senior Data Entry Supervisor, Caritas Bo Pastoral Centre, Bo. July, 2018 – December, 2018