Dr. Adegboyega Ayodeji OTESILE is a seasoned teacher and holds a Ph.D. in Forest Policy, Administration and Management from the University of Ibadan, Nigeria and an M.Sc. in Silviculture and Forest Biology from the same University. He is currently based in Sierra Leone and providing technical assistance and knowledge transfer services in the Njala University, Sierra Leone. Dr. Otesile has 17 years of experience working in the field of forest management, land use and plantation development. Research interests include but not limited to; community land use and land use change, climate-smart studies on green infrastructure development and bio-energy, rural livelihoods and green economy. He was recently involved in the Commercial Plantation Forest Industry Investment Plan Studies in Sierra Leone and Evaluation of Sierra Rutile Limited Land Rehabilitation; and Tree Crops Nursery Project. In addition to these, as a prolific scholar and a published author, he has also conducted some other research on related topics; and published as scientific reports and articles in conference proceedings, newsletters and in peer reviewed international journals.

(i). Otesile, A.A., Fayiah, M.F., Mattia, S. B., and Barrie, A. (2017). Value chain analysis of forest wood products; Published in Van Sangyan, Vol. 4, No. 12; Published by Tropical Forest Research Institute, Jabalpur, MP, India
(ii). Otesile A. A., Bakarr I., Fayiah M. and Kamara M. S. (2017). Assessing effects of mining and post-mining land rehabilitation on biodiversity and habitats; Published in Van Sangyan, Vol. 4, No. 5; Published by Tropical Forest Research Institute, Jabalpur, MP, India
(iii). Otesile, A.A. and Agbeja, B.O. (2016). Stakeholders’ Perceptions and Involvement in Agroforestry and Other Land Use Systems in Forest Reserves of Ogun State, Nigeria; Published in Journal of Sustainable Environmental Management (JSEM), Nigeria
(iv). Otesile, A.A. and Adesoye, P.O. (2016). Floristic Survey of the Natural Forest Compartment In The Botanical Gardens Of University Of Ibadan. Published in Journal of Sustainable Environmental Management; (JSEM), Nigeria
(v). Otesile, A.A. and Agbeja, B.O. (2015). Forestry and Agricultural Land Use Challenges in Ogun State; Nigeria. International Forestry Review, Commonwealth Forestry Association, UK (under review)
(vi). Otesile, A.A. and Agbeja, B.O. (2012). Conflicts and Forest Land-Use: A Case Study of Forest Reserves in Ogun State, Nigeria. Published in Forest and Forest Products Society Journal, Nigeria
Published Abstract:
(i). Otesile, A.A., Mattia, S.B., Barrie, A., (2017). Value Chain Analysis of Forest Wood Products in Kenema District, Eastern Province, Sierra Leone. Published in Book of Abstract of NUSAA Third Annual Research Conference; Theme: Research and Innovations for Sustainable Development. 21st – 23rd March 2017.
(ii). Otesile, A.A., Mattia, S.B., Lahai, N.A., (2017). Inventory of Woody Edible Fruit Tree Species within Senior Staff and Crown Agent Quarters, Njala Universities, Njala Campus, Sierra Leone. Published in Book of Abstract of NUSAA Third Annual Research Conference; Theme: Research and Innovations for Sustainable Development. 21st – 23rd March 2017.
(iii). Otesile, A.A. and Agbeja, B.O. (2013). Prospects and Challenges of Agroforestry Practices in Government Owned Forest Reserves, Ogun State, Nigeria. Published in Book of Abstract of Maiden Africa Students’ Conference in Nairobi, Kenya; Theme: Biodiversity in Africa-Present state, challenges and prospects for its conservation, sponsored by Tropical Biology Association, BES Tropical Ecology Group, British Ecological Society and National Museums of Kenya, 2nd- 4th July 2013; Pp37.
Technical Reports:
(i). Lehtonen, P., Ankra, P., Otesile, A., Bockarie, A., Katila, M., Tamminen, L., Loytomaki, J. and Malmstrom, M. (2016). Sierra Leone Commercial Plantation Forest Industry Investment Plan. Technical Report submitted to the International Finance Corporation / World Bank Group, New York.
(ii). Otesile, A.A., Abu-Bakarr, I. and Kamara, M.S. (2016). Evaluation of Sierra Rutile Limited Land Rehabilitation and Tree Crops Nursery Project. Technical Report submitted to Sierra Rutile Limited, Freetown Sierra Leone.
(iii). Otesile, A.A., (2016). Review of Miro Forestry (SL) Concession’ “Habitat And High Conservation Value Assessment Report”. Technical Report submitted to Miro Forestry (SL), Mile 91, Tonkolili District, Sierra Leone.
(iv). Otesile, A.A., (2016). Miro Forestry- SL (MFSL) SGS Pre-Assessment Comments: A Pre-Assessment Review of Miro Forestry-SL; FSC Pre-Certification Compliance. Technical Report submitted to Miro Forestry (SL), Mile 91, Tonkolili District, Sierra Leone.
(v). Agbeja, B.O., Adu-Anning, C., Derkyi Mercy, A.A., Kwame, Twum-Ampofo., and Otesile, A.A. (2008). Assessment of conflicts among forestry, agriculture and land-use policies in Nigeria and Ghana: Prospects for Reconciliation. Technical Report submitted to the African Forest Research Network, Kenya. 18pp.